Mustang Teeji Festival 2025

August 17, 2024

Mustang Teeji Festival 2025

Mustang Teeji festival 2025

The Teeji Festival, a major celebration in Nepal, is rooted in ancient animistic and shamanistic Bon traditions that predate Buddhism. Known as Teji, a shortened form of “Tempa Chhirim” meaning “Prayer for World Peace,” the festival commemorates the triumph of Buddha’s incarnation, Dorji Sonam, over the demon Ma Tam Ru Ta. Over three days, monks from Lo Manthang Chhyode Goenpa perform a sacred dance that has preserved its traditional steps and costumes for over 600 years. This vibrant event is marked by colorful regalia and dramatic reenactments of the battle between good and evil, accompanied by months of purification and preparation by the monks.

Teeji is celebrated in Lo-Manthang, the historic capital of the ancient Kingdom of Mustang, located in the north-central part of Nepal at the headwaters of the Kaligandaki River. This remote and mystical region is known for its dramatic desert valley landscapes, wind-eroded cliffs, and snow-capped peaks of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri Himalayas. The area is inhabited by Tibetan people who maintain their traditional language, culture, and customs. Among the picturesque whitewashed houses and ancient villages, you’ll find some of the oldest functioning Buddhist monasteries.

To experience the Teeji Festival, HV Treks organizes an annual trek in May. The journey begins with a flight to Jomsom, followed by a trek through the dry terrain of the Kaligandaki Valley to Lo-Manthang, which takes approximately 9 days. For added comfort, you can choose to ride horses or use jeep transport for parts of the route. Luggage will be carried by horses and mules throughout the trek.

In 2025, the Teeji Festival will be held from May 24 to May 26. The exact dates are determined each year by the head Buddhist Lama of the Mustang area according to the Tibetan Calendar.